Monthly Archives: April 2020

Brownie Household Elf Virtual Troop Meeting, Apr 3

Brownies will start working virtually on their Household Elf badge on Friday, 3 April, 2020, 5 – 5:40PM, promptly inshaAllah.

Here are the steps to the Brownie Household Elf badge:

    Pick up some new household habits to help your family save energy, save water, and save the planet.

  1. Save energy
  2. Save water
  3. Go natural
  4. Reuse or recycle
  5. Clear the air

    When Brownies have earned this badge, they’ll know how to make their home clean and green.

Parents should download the Zoom app on their computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device ahead of the meeting via, Google Play, or App Store. A Zoom account is not required. Sis Whittni will send a link to join the Zoom meeting Thursday evening inshaAllah

What: Household Elf badge
Who: Brownies
When: Friday, April 3, 2020, 5 – 5:40PM
Where: Zoom meeting
Cost: None
Form: None

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